IWE001 Programmable temperature monitor and controller
Continuously reads the temperature of any substances or a room and according to that it controls the temperature by controlling the speed of the fan. Increases the fan speed if temp is more and reduces if temp is low and also give alarm in danger.
IWE002 LDR based power saver for street light control system
Light depend resistor is a device which works depending on the light intensity. Using this we are going to determine whether it is a day or a night. The street lights will be controlled depending on the situation.
IWE003 Embedded rigging free Electronic Voting System
Every voter will be given a unique id and password, user has to enter his id and password and then if both are matching system allows the user to vote otherwise it will not allow. At the end of the voting results can be known automatically. System will calculate the number of votes.
IWE004 Entry authentication system
It contains a key board interfaced to the system and also an LCD. Both of them are the user interfaces. User has to enter his id and password to enter in to the room. If correct opens the door else if wrong gives another chance, if wrong data is entered for more than three times gives alarm.
IWE008 Automatic Room Light control with Visitor Counting
For this we use an LDR to check it is a day or night and IR sensors to count the strength of the room. If the room strength is more than zero and it is night then system turns on the light else if strength is zero then system turns off the lights even though it is a night.
IWE010 Time based industrial automation using Dallas RTC and I2C protocol
DS1307 a real time clock IC is interfaced to the AT89S52 controller. Using most sophisticated I2C protocol we are going to read the data from the RTC and then display that in the LCD. Depending on the time controller do its function that are already defined in the program
IWE011 Jogger bench using PWM Technique
Pulse Width Modulation technique Is used to control the speed of the DC motor through the programming. This is used to control the speed of the jogger. By this we can set the speed of the jogger according to the persons stamina and physical fitness and also an emergency button will be provided to stop the jogger
IWE012 Electronic Notice Board
Electronic notice board is a digital display to which the data is sent by using the keypad. We can also set the number of times the message to be displayed . the message can also scrolled over the LCD
IWE015 Auto turn off for water pump with four different time slots
Using the timers in the microcontroller we generate time delays which are considered as time slots. Pump can be controlled by the controller AT89S52 using solid state relays. We can select different time slots in which pump should be in ON state.
IWE018 Digital fuel Level Indicator (DFL)
Using a mechanical device the level of the fuel in a container is measured and sent to the analog to digital converter. The digital data sent to the controller will be manipulated and corresponding measurement of the fuel will be displayed and also gives alarm when the level is low.
IWE019 Water Level Monitor and Control system for over head tanks.
This also uses the mechanical device to measure the level and this is connected to a potentiometer which turns according to the level. The o/p of pot is given to ADC and based on that o/p controller controls the pump to fill the tank
IWE020 Fire detection & automated control system
For fire detection here we are using a smoke sensor. When ever a fire accident takes place first of all we observe the smoke. This smoke will be detected by the sensor and actuates the exhaust system to control the fire.
IWE021 Land mine detection and warning system
Using electro magnetic induction property the sensor detects any metals buried under the soil or placed in any closed containers and send the signal to the controller. Then the controller rises alarm.
IWE022 Digital Thermometer with 2x16 LCD display
For this we use temperature sensor LM35. The temperature of any substance will be measured by this sensor in analog form and then using ADC we convert this in to digital form compatible with microcontroller. Then the data will be displayed in the LCD
IWE023 Digital Speedometer with 2x16 LCD display
Aim of this project is to measure the speed of the vehicle and display it in digital format.For this we used a slot sensor attached to the rotor of the motor. This slot sensor will be interfaced to the micro controller. By reading the signals from the sensor controller calculates the speed and displays it in the 2X16 character LCD.
IWE024 Vehicle Speed control and Monitoring
Aim of this project is to develop a system which continuously read the speed of the vehicle and monitors the speed whether it is below the maximum value or not and then control the speed if it is beyond the maximum speed
IWE025 Digital Distance Measurement scale
Aim of this project is to measure the distance and display it in digital format. For this we used a slot sensor attached to the rotor of the wheel attached to a bar. This slot sensor will be interfaced to the micro controller. By reading the signals from the sensor controller calculates the distance and displays it in the 2X16 character LCD.
IWE027 Automated irrigation in modern farming techniques
Aim of this project is to develop an irrigation system which works automatically depending upon the humidity of the soil around the plants. Usage of the latest technologies in Agriculture is increasing day by day. Like the automated turn on pumps in the field and the operation of the motors remotely using RF and GSM technologies this is also another technical highlight in agriculture.
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