
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Embedded mini projects list-( GSM / Mobile Applications based )

IWE065 Electrical appliances control using Mobile Phone

This project allows the user to control home appliances from any where in the world. All the devices will be operated by the controller using solid state relays. Based on the SMS received by the GSM modem devices will be controlled.

IWE066 Speed and Direction control of DC motor using GSM Modem

GSM modem will be interfaced to the controller to which the dc motor will be interfaced. SMS sent to the modem will be sent to the controller there it will be compared to the preprogrammed codes and the respective action will be taken.

IWE067 Remote electricity Billing System

Electric meter will be interface to the controller. On the particular date meter reading will be sent to the controller and then sent as an SMS to the billing station. Based on the reading charges will be sent back to the modem as an SMS this will be displayed in the LCD

IWE068 Wireless weather station monitoring system using GSM modem

In any remote places the temperatures monitored has to be sent to the base stations continuously by any personnel. In spite of a man we are using the GSM modem interfaced to the controller to read the temperatures continuously and send them to the base station.

IWE069 GSM Based Security System

In these system security parameters like intruder alert or the fire accident monitoring system can be in interfaced to the GSM modem and message will be sent to the user when ever such things happen.

IWE070 SMS Based Notice Board

Is to develop an electronic notice board using GSM cellular communications. Where the message will be sent to the notice board using a cellular phone. SMS sent to the modem will be sent to the controller and then displayed in the LCD.

IWE071 Accident Identification using SMS

Using a push to on switch as a pressure sensor that has to be placed in the chassis of the vehicle we can identify the accidents and same message will be sent to the authorized person as an SMS using GSM modem

IWE072 GSM based patient Monitoring system

Body temperature, Pulse rate, Blood pressure etc. kind of parameters will be continuously monitored when a patient is in ICU. These parameters can be sent to the doctor or any family members mobile phone using GSM modem.

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